About Us

Hi, there! We are Lindsey and Taylor, the founders of Savory Sweet Sisters.  We are two tall and hangry sisters who have always bonded over our shared love for food.  Lindsey is elementary school teacher in Philadelphia and Taylor is working in sales/advertising in New York City.  Savory Sweet Sisters explores food, travel, lifestyle and more. We are passionate about our brand, but dedicated to helping other businesses grow.


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Today, we are featuring Lindsey and Taylor from Sweet Savory Sisters. Lindsey lives in Philadelphia while Taylor lives in New York City. Their blog explores food, travel, lifestyle and beyond. Their food blog content not only is appealing and useful for those looking for recommendations but also serves to connect with their readers beyond just the sharing of information. 

Can you tell us a bit about you and your background? 

Hi there, I’m Lindsey!  My sister, Taylor, and I started Savory Sweet Sisters together a little over a year ago.  I went to the University of Maryland and I am currently an Elementary School teacher in Philadelphia. Taylor went to the University of Rhode Island and is working in sales/advertising in New York City. We both bond over our shared love for food and photography. We studied abroad in Europe (Lindsey in Florence and Taylor in Barcelona) and we love to travel. Our favorite memories of those trips always revolve around food.  We are constantly trying new restaurants and working with different brands. Savory Sweet Sisters has been an exciting journey so far.

What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?

Tall, Fun and Hangry.

What inspired your blog?

Our love of food, travel and photography.

What is your favorite social media platform and why?

Instagram is definitely our favorite social media platform. We love to post pictures and connect with our following.  We also use Instagram as a place to discover and connect with other bloggers. Check out their Instagram here!

What do you think it is about your blog makes it stand out among other food blogs?

Our blog gives readers a lot more about us than the typical food blog. We have restaurants, lifestyle, travel and more.

What do you love most about food blogging? 

We love trying new restaurants of course.  We always choose to try somewhere new rather than going back to the same spots.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I’m not quite sure where, but hopefully back in the same city as my sister.

What are 3 things you can’t live without?

 Cheese, ice cream, and pizza. Or let’s try this again. Food, my sister, and my dog, Nala.